Texas Enviros Continue To Spread Debunked Claim

Texas enviro activists are doubling down on a false anti-pipeline claim in a trailer for their new documentary:
“Without U.S. public access, the Trans Pecos pipeline will carry natural gas through West Texas, across the Rio Grande and into Mexico.”
Last month, Core News Texas debunked this claim after it was announced that a lateral pipeline would be constructed which has already led to planned economic development and job creation for local communities.
The Trans Pecos pipeline was recently completed and protest camps have shut down, with some protesters leaving the state and others focusing on raising money for legal fees following multiple misdemeanor and felony arrests.
The completion of the pipeline may not mean the end of the extremist tactics of these protesters, as protesters along the Dakota Access pipeline have engaged in potentially environmentally-damaging pipeline sabotage that has been compared to those seen by Iraqi insurgents. The Environmentalist Left in Texas have gone as far as utilizing the same mouthpiece as terrorists and Putin’s propaganda outlet to spread these false claims.