March 9, 2018
Rio Grande Valley Residents Welcome LNG Exports
Rio Grande Valley Residents Welcome LNG Exports
A proposed liquefied natural gas export terminal in Brownsville has many residents excited about the economic opportunity the project will bring.
March 7, 2018
U.S. Natural Gas Expands To Indian Market
U.S. Natural Gas Expands To Indian Market
American liquefied natural gas will soon reach the shores of India as demand for U.S. energy soars throughout Asia and across the world, a positive sign for forthcoming Texas export terminals.
March 6, 2018
Environmental Leader Wants Wrestling Match
Environmental Leader Wants Wrestling Match
Texas environmental leader Louis Moncivias Gutierrez issued a new challenge to people who work for the oil and gas industry.
March 5, 2018
Letter To Editor Misleads Public
Letter To Editor Misleads Public
Today’s Austin American-Statesman features a letter to the editor that attempts to promote a group as “bipartisan,” but records show that claim to be far from the truth.
March 2, 2018
Corpus Christi Could Produce LNG Sooner Than Expected
Corpus Christi Could Produce LNG Sooner Than Expected
Corpus Christi may be increasing its presence on the world stage sooner than expected. Cheniere Energy Inc.’s LNG export terminal could begin producing LNG before year’s end according to Reuters.
March 1, 2018
National Enviro Group Targeting Texas Schools
National Enviro Group Targeting Texas Schools
Environment Texas is back at it again, lobbying for college campuses in Texas to dissociate from fossil fuels and to only utilize renewable energy.