STUDY: Pipelines Safest Means Of Transport

A new study by the Fraser Institute highlighted the value of pipelines in ensuring safe transport of oil and gas. The study found that pipelines were 2.5 times less likely to result in an incident than by rail and that 17 percent of reported incidents result in no spill.
Kenneth Green, a co-author of the study and senior director of energy and natural resource studies at the Fraser Institute, stated:
“The evidence is clear—building new pipelines and shipping oil by tanker is the safest and most environmentally responsible way to get [oil] to global markets.”
This study comes on the heels of a series of notorious protests of pipelines in Texas and across the United States, with a duo of protesters admitting to vandalizing a pipeline earlier this week. Despite this latest scientific study, the Environmentalist Left in Texas will likely once again ignore the facts, as a Texas pipeline protest leader has even outright stated that pipeline safety “doesn’t even matter.”
With Texas currently facing the possibility of a shortage of pipelines, the results of this Fraser Institute study are encouraging. Not only will forthcoming pipelines protect the Texas landscape, they will also address infrastructural challenges in the state to help Texas play a leading role in the coming “major transformation” predicted in the global energy market.