Letter To Editor Misleads Public

Today’s Austin American-Statesman features a letter to the editor that attempts to promote a group as “bipartisan,” but records show that claim to be far from the truth. The letter, written by registered Democrat Pat Yingst of Austin, attempts to promote the environmental activist organization Citizens Climate Lobby with this misleading claim of bipartisanship, stating:
“Join the well-focused Citizens Climate Lobby dedicated to bipartisanship. Let the organization guide you in making a difference. It guided me to write this letter.”
A quick look at campaign data shows that this claim could not be further from the truth. Per the Center for Responsive Politics, Citizens Climate Lobby has exclusively donated to Democratic candidates in the past 5 years.
Environmentalists have a long history of spouting falsehoods to mislead the public, and this blatant lie proves to be yet another lowlight. After experiencing a series of defeats, the environmental left is clearly reaching a new level of desperation.