Rio Grande Valley Residents Welcome LNG Exports

A proposed liquefied natural gas export terminal in Brownsville has many residents excited about the economic opportunity the project will bring. While environmentalists spread the debunked claim that nearby SpaceX could cause an incidental explosion, a new piece in the Valley Morning Star highlights the misleading nature of that claim:
“Their recommendation also took into account the results of an independent study regarding the potential risks of both SpaceX and Rio Grande LNG operating in Cameron County, requested by FERC, concluded that there was “insignificant risk.” These studies are important because they confirm that Rio Grande LNG can and will operate safely, reliably and in environmental compliance. Completion of these studies brings this proposed project and its enormous economic benefits closer to reality.”
The piece also mentioned the conclusion of another recent evaluation of the environmental effects of the facility:
“Most recently, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) determined that the LNG export terminal and associated pipeline would meet or exceed state and federal air quality standards, and confirmed that there would be no significant air quality impacts or adverse health effects.”
With the demand of American natural gas growing in new markets, projects such as these have the potential to create tens of thousands of jobs and bring in even more money to add to the $6.7 billion in tax revenue Texas brings in from the oil and gas industry each year. While the facility in Brownsville waits for the final permit from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, a similar facility in Corpus Christi may begin operating as soon as this year.