Enviro Left’s 2017 Plans: First, “Expensive” Energy; Next, “Pipeline Purgatory”

Days after the election, the Environmentalist Left made their top 2017 goal clear. They are going to make energy “as expensive as possible,” according to the Sierra Club.
A few weeks later, a second goal has emerged: send American energy to “purgatory.” More from Bloomberg:
Although Trump has promised to speed up federal permits and regulatory review, his influence doesn’t extend to local communities or states. That’s where activists are working aggressively to get regulators, lawmakers and the courts on their side, Kleeb and others said.
…Call it “pipeline purgatory,” said Matthew Hoza, an analyst at the Colorado-based consulting firm BTU Analytics LLC. By exploiting local landowner concerns and state permit processes, activists are ensnaring projects “in unending litigation on a state level,” making them “not really alive, not really dead,” he said.
It’s one more item on the Environmentalist Left’s anti-human agenda. They also applaud President Obama’s efforts to stop energy projects before he leaves office.
Of course, the Environmentalist Left doesn’t care if Americans pay more for energy. As long as donors line their pockets, environmental groups are seeing plenty of green.