The Environmentalist Left’s War On Fracking Hurts Colorado Schools And Veterans

Yesterday, The Greeley Tribune reported how fracking on federal lands in Colorado has been a “boon” to county school districts. The news may come as a shock to the Environmentalist Left that advocates for a complete ban on fracking.
Fracking on federal lands will be a boon to Weld County school districts, as county officials announced Thursday they’ve sent about $2 million to 17 districts in keeping with a 2009 Colorado law that created an appropriation formula for the federal kickbacks.
Another $1.6 million of the fund is appropriated to college grants for Weld County residents.
That program, first announced a year ago, promises $3,000 per year for four years of postsecondary education of any kind, anywhere and for any Weld County high school graduate, GED recipient or honorably discharged military veteran.
Weld County hasn’t been the only county in Colorado to benefit from fracking. In April this year, Mesa County school district 51 received about $100,000 that went towards increasing student safety.
Nisley Elementary Principal Crystal Stephenson:
“It’s really exciting to be able to get the funding to put better locks on our class room doors, so teachers are able to lock down their classrooms and keep their students safe a lot faster.”
The City of Fruita, the Palisade Fire Department and Clifton Sanitation District also benefited from the mineral lease grants.
The benefits of Colorado fracking are undeniable. Recently, ballot initiatives intended to wipe out fracking in the state failed to make the November ballot. The future of Colorado’s economy hung in the balance, jeopardizing 104,000 jobs and $14.5 billion in economic activity.
As the next round of mineral lease grants will be announced in the coming months. Core News will be there to highlight the benefits of fracking.