Stein’s “Green New Deal” Seeks To Destroy Backbone Of Texas Economy

Yesterday, Green Party Presidential Candidate Dr. Jill Stein was in San Antonio to promote her so-called “New Green Deal,” which seeks to decimate the Texas economy by completely eliminating the fossil fuel industry:
“The fossil fuel economy tends to be wealth concentrated on the top but really very inadequate for everyone else, and we see that with the state budget that keeps short shifting schools and short shifting social support and health care,” Stein said during her Sunday campaign stop. “So this is a real state of struggle here in Texas, and this is very much connected to the oil economy and the fossil fuel economy.”
As part of a four-city tour of Texas to campaign for President and to promote her “New Green Deal,” Stein visited the Eagle Ford Shale region and told The San Antonio Business Journal that Texas was on the front line of climate change:
Assuring that “fossil fuel communities” would be the line for the Green New Deal, Stein said her plan would fix the economy, address climate change and create millions of dollars of savings in health care, in addition to making “wars for oil” obsolete.
“Texas is the microcosm of the energy crisis because of the drought here, the pollution of its water supplies, because of the cancer alleys that exist around the state where the refineries are located and the impact of fracking and pipelines, which further threaten the water supplies,” Stein said.
For years the fossil fuel industry has been the backbone of the Texas economy, providing economic prosperity as well as supporting hundreds of thousands of jobs across the state. The thriving Texas economy continues to rely on the oil and gas industry to provide good-paying jobs to impoverished regions.
Advanced technology in the industry, such as fracking and horizontal drilling have created high paying jobs in less affluent regions of Texas, such as the Eagle Ford Shale region. In 2013, the Eagle Ford Shale provided a $61 Billion economic boost to San Antonio and the South Texas region.
While Stein has made radical claims and promises to “fix the economy, address climate change and create millions of dollars of savings in health care,” she’s less clear about what will happen to the 9.8 jobs that the oil and gas industry supports across the county if Stein has her way in eliminating the fossil fuel industry. If out-of-touch environmentalists like Stein and her allies get their way, the Texas economy would be bear the brunt of their bad decision-making.