Environmentalists Oppose Expanding Solar On Federal Lands?

As reported by The Wall Street Journal, the Obama administration plans to take its “first major stab” at expanding solar power on federal lands but its efforts may be unwanted by the Environmentalist Left.
Yes! You read that right, environmentalists are taking issue with the administration’s expansion of solar on federal lands.
Yet many traditional allies are dividing over the rule. Environmentalists welcome renewable energy, but worry about how wind and solar projects on federal lands affect wildlife and other natural resources.
The Obama administration’s upcoming rule seeks to cut bureaucratic red tape and streamline the permitting process for renewable power companies to set up operations on government lands. The rule aims to create a competitive lease bidding process amongst those companies, similar to the current practice of oil and gas leasing while designating additional lands for renewables.
This isn’t the first time and definitely won’t be the last time the Environmentalist Left clashes with their own solar agenda. It almost seems as if the only form of energy the Environmentalist Left supports is no energy at all.