Norway’s Happiness Powered By Fossil Fuels

The Huffington Post recently suggested the U.S. “should take a few cues from Norway,” which was recently voted the happiest country on Earth:
It’s become clear that both social and economic factors are at play in determining people’s happiness, so it’s no wonder that Norway won the top slot on the 2017 World Happiness Report, released Monday, up from fourth place last year.
Sierra Club CA joyfully retweeted the article:
One major factor in Norway’s economic success is the country’s huge investment in fossil fuels. According to Norway’s Ministry of Petroleum and Energy and the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate, in 2016 petroleum accounted for 13% of government revenues.
Maybe the U.S. should follow the Sierra Club’s and The Huffington Post’s advice and continue to invest in its own abundant fossil fuels like Norway.