February 8, 2017
California Wants To Sap Car Buyers To Help Others Pay For Electric Cars
California Wants To Sap Car Buyers To Help Others Pay For Electric Cars
A bill introduced in the California Assembly would encourage the legislature to pass a law essentially taxing buyers of gas-powered vehicles and then giving that money to buyers of electric vehicles in the form of rebates.
February 8, 2017
California Legislature Wants Your Money For Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
California Legislature Wants Your Money For Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
California legislators want to stick state taxpayers with the bill to build charging stations for electric vehicles that are hardly driven by anyone, even in California. AB96, a state appropriations bill, outlines $20 million in taxpayer money for building electric vehicle charging stations: “Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the California Transportation Commission may allocate […]
January 17, 2017
Is This the End of American Car Culture?
Is This the End of American Car Culture?
A recent Wall Street Journal article, titled “How Electric Vehicles Could End Car Ownership as We Know It,” has confirmed a fear that has long been at the heart of automotive enthusiasts.
January 6, 2017
Time To Look Under The Hood Of Electric Vehicles
Time To Look Under The Hood Of Electric Vehicles
Consumers are faced more choices than ever. While some environmentalists are pushing the narrative that electric vehicles are a “eco-friendly alternative” to traditional vehicle, electric vehicles are simply terrible for the environment.
December 28, 2016
New Study: Electric Cars Impact Air Quality Hundreds of Miles Away
New Study: Electric Cars Impact Air Quality Hundreds of Miles Away
A new study from the American Economic Association (AEA) examines the multi-state impact of electric cars on air pollution.