April 11, 2017
Amid Enviro Opposition, Major VA Paper Says: Approve Atlantic Coast Pipeline
Amid Enviro Opposition, Major VA Paper Says: Approve Atlantic Coast Pipeline
The Atlantic Coast Pipeline has become another flashpoint for the Environmentalist Left, with radical groups standing opposed despite broad support from both major political parties. Even labor unions support the project.
April 10, 2017
Your Solar Panels, Made in China
Your Solar Panels, Made in China
The New York Times published a startling exposé over the weekend that details just how dependent the solar industry is on Chinese goods, Chinese companies, and Chinese jobs.
April 7, 2017
Tesla Has A Transparency Blindspot
Tesla Has A Transparency Blindspot
A recent report in The Guardian highlighted a concerning trend in Tesla’s data releases that should raise questions about the company’s transparency toward its consumers.
April 6, 2017
London Mayor Saddles Average Car Owners
London Mayor Saddles Average Car Owners
Last week, London’s Mayor Sadiq Khan opened a new front in his ongoing crusade against car ownership, this time choosing to tax the owners of “old” vehicles.
April 6, 2017
“Green” Protestors To Use Failed Protests As Blueprint
“Green” Protestors To Use Failed Protests As Blueprint
According to a report from the Associated Press, environmentalist protestors are planning to use the same tactics employed against a North Dakota pipeline as they continue their efforts to undermine America’s fossil fuel industry and energy security.
April 5, 2017
PA Judge Tosses Out Anti-Fracking “Pillar”
PA Judge Tosses Out Anti-Fracking “Pillar”
A federal judge in Pennsylvania has rejected the ruling from the lawsuit featured in the anti-fracking documentary Gasland. The verdict’s rejection is yet another blow to the Environmentalist Left’s policies as it loses a “pillar of the anti-fracking movement.”
April 4, 2017
Fossil Fuels Power Tribal Budgets
Fossil Fuels Power Tribal Budgets
The New York Times reports that the budgets of some of America’s largest Native American tribes are powered by fossil fuels:
April 3, 2017
Pipeline Protests, Now With Food Trucks!
Pipeline Protests, Now With Food Trucks!
Turns out protesting pipelines can be fun for the protesters doing it. A recent report from StateImpact, a Pennsylvania-based NPR affiliate, has more on the lush benefits afforded protesters of the Atlantic Sunrise pipeline in Pennsylvania.
March 30, 2017
Rare Earth Makes ‘Green Energy’ “Not-So-Green”
Rare Earth Makes ‘Green Energy’ “Not-So-Green”
A recent editorial in the Tyler Morning Telegraph highlighted the “not-so-green” environmental reality of the rare earth elements needed to make ‘green energy’: Producing one ton of rare earth metals, he [Texas Christian University Energy Institute Director Ken Morgan] said, results in one ton of liquid radioactive thorium waste. Plus, 10,000 cubic meters of waste […]